In case you have not graduated yet, please write the estimated date of your graduation. You have to inform us immediately after you successfully pass your graduation on this e-mail: - subject: APPLICATION
Choosing a main studio - the main studio is taught in all years (1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year). In this studio students write their bachelor thesis in their final year (3rd year).
Choosing a secondary studio - The secondary studio is taught in the 2nd year and in the 3rd year as a supplementary studio to enrich knowledge and experience.
The school reserves the right to change the order of courses according to the occupancy of the studio.
The admission process takes place throughout the whole academic year.
For applicants outside Czech Republic:
ATTENTION: All studios have, in case of an increased number of applicants, the right to studio examinations reserved. Studying in the Graphic design Studio is suitable for students with advanced knowledge of computer graphics, animation, etc.
(candidates will find more information about the admission procedure here)
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