Intermedia offers a broad spectrum of study that stands on the free movement between media and conceptual thinking. In addition to artistic work, the studio emphasizes the ability to think artistically, to think in broader artistic and socio-political contexts. Students can surf across media and find appropriate artistic means and techniques to their chosen themes. Experimentation and the process of making is an important factor of study; the thought structure behind the finished work is as valuable as the result itself. Intermedia creates a space for individual creation as well as sharing. The studio is based on the ability for open communication and collaborative reflection. Such work leads students to think more complexly, not only within the confines of the visual arts. Practical work is accompanied by a continuous comparative study in art history along with an orientation in social history.
1. semester
1. Painting
2. Photography
3. Object
4. Installation
October – Painting
Week: assignment of a topic and a lecture on sustainability + the possibility of material re-use in art
Week: a card as part of a canvas ("found object") - preparation of a concept for a painting, a sample of sketches
Week: realization and consultation
Week: finalization and presentation, approximation of reasoning
November – Photography
Week: choosing a subject for photographic processing, a lecture on the medium of photography (analogue x digital x mobile phone)
Week: photo comic - sketches, realization
Week: scenic photography - sketches, realization
Week: studio exhibition - openstudio of previous activities
December – Object
Week: topic of re-use in the object, examples of works, discussion on the topic of re-use in art
Week: object sketches, material tests
Week: implementation and consultation
Week: finalization and presentation
January – Installation
Week: essay on re-use in art and discussion
Week: card and its reuse - own choice of form of processing
Week: implementation of the installation
Week: finalization + defense
FINAL WORK: realization of your own choice + text material
Recommended literature:
BOURRIAUD, N. Postprodukce, Praha: Tranzit, 2004
BOURRIAUD, N. Relational Aesthetics, Dijon: Les presses du réel, 2002
DEMPSEYOVÁ, A. Umělecké styly, školy a hnutí. 2. vyd. Praha: Slovart, 2002
HÁJEK, V. Jak rozpoznat odpadkový koš. Praha: Labyrint, 2011
PETŘÍČEK, M. Myšlení obrazem. Praha: Herrmann & synové 2009
SONTAG, S. O fotografii. Barrister & Principal, Paseka 2002
VÁCLAVOVÁ, D., ŽIŽKA, T. (eds.): Site-specific. Praha, Pražská scéna, 2008
2. semester
Main project: KOPY
1. Painting
2. Working with the digital image
3. Sound
4. Three-dimensional model
únor - malba
Týden: kopie jako téma v umění a diskuze “nejoblíbenější x nenáviděné” umělecké dílo
Týden: výběr jednoho díla a jeho parafráze v malbě
Týden: realizace a konzultace
Týden: finalizace a prezentace + společná diskuze
březen - práce s digitálním obrazem (fotka, video…)
Týden: výběr tématu a formálního zpracování
Týden: workshop Adobe Premiere a jiných videoeditačních programů
Týden: samostatná práce a konzultace
Týden: finalizace a ateliérová prezentace
duben - zvuk
Týden: prezentace a přednáška o audio artu a jiných uměleckých přístupech ke zvuku
Týden: workshop a možnosti zpracování audia
Týden: zvuková parafráze vizuálního díla
Týden: finalizace a ateliérová prezentace
květen - trojrozměrný model
Týden: přednáška na téma umění a materiální forma (základní materiály)
Týden: kopie starých mistrů - ukázka a konzultace prvních skic
Týden: realizace díla za užití různých materiálů (textil, dřevo, kov, papír, sádra, etc.) a konzultace
Týden: Finalizace a výstava
KLAUZURNÍ PRÁCE: realizace dle vlastní volby + textový materiál
Doporučená literatura:
Akce, slovo, pohyb, prostor, Galerie hlavního města Prahy, 1999
DUBUFFET, J. Dusivá kultura, Praha: Herrmann & synové, 1998
CHALUPECKÝ, J. Úděl umělce, Duchampovské meditace, Praha: Torst, 1998
KULKA, T. Umění a kýč, Praha: Torst, 2000
RUSNÁKOVÁ, K. V toku pohyblivých obrazov: antológia textov o elektronickom a digitálnom umení v kontexte vizuálnej kultúry, Bratislava: VŠVU, 2005
SPIELMANN, Y. Video: the reflexive medium. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2008
3. semester
Main project: MASK
1. Painting/Graphics/Photography
2. Kinetic model
3. Video installation
4. Light and sound project
October – Painting/Graphics/Photography
Week: assignment of a topic and a lecture on the topic of the mask - prof. PhDr. Július Gajdoš, Ph.D.
Week: mask graphic - ritual mask
Week: photo of the mask - character mask
Week: mask painting - my mask
November – Kinetic model
Week: protective mask - first sketches for the model
Week: material tests for the model
Week: finalization of the model
Week: performative mask overlap (minute video)
December – Light and sound object
Week: mask as reference - examples of formal possibilities within the theme and choosing a first sketch for a light/sound object
Week: workshop of working with light within the theme + project work
Week: workshop on working with sound within the theme + project work
Week: finalization of the light and sound object
January - Video installation
Week: demonstrations of formal options within the theme, concept for video narrative, storyboard sketches and selection
Week: work with composition, video realization
Week: post-production (familiarization with editing programs) and finalization
Week: installation
FINAL WORK: realization of your own choice + text material
Recommended literature:
BUTLER, J. Závažná těla, Praha: Karolinum, 2016
ERBAN, V. Maska a tvář. Hra s identitou v mezikulárních proměnách, Praha 2010
NUNLEY, J. W. / McCARTHY, C. Masks. Faces of Culture, Saint Lous 2000
POSPISZYL, T. Asociativní dějepis umění. Praha: Tranzit, 2014
RICOEUR, P. Život, pravda, symbol. Praha: Oikúmené, 1993
SLAVÍK, J., CHRZ, V., ŠTĚCH, S. Tvorba jako způsob poznávání. Praha: Karolinum, 2013
4. semester
Main project: NEW GENERATION
1. Interactive object
2. Internet art, social networks
3. Video, installation
4. Self-presentation
February – interactive object
Week: choosing a topic, gathering materials, research, first sketches, consultations
Week: material tests and realization of the object
Week: introduction to light composition and a practical demonstration
Week: finalization of the object
March – Internet art and social networks
Week: familiarization with the term "internet art", creative use of social networks (examples), research, consultation on the chosen topic and form